《中国签证新规定7/1发布》中美新闻社编辑部SUP NEWS转发
中国驻纽约总领馆2022-07-01 17:49发表于美国

Updates on Visa Application Requirements
(Last Updated:July 1, 2022)
The Chinese Consulate General in New York has adjusted the requirements for visa application for business, employment, and family visit or reunion purposes. Applicants residing within the consular districts shall submit visa application following the guidance below.
I. Application Process
a) Request Submission: Request for submission of visa application should be emailed to visaoffice.ny@vip.163.com in the following format:
i.Subject line: “Full Name+Passport Number+Visa Category (e.g. Z Visa)”
ii.Email body: 1. Detailed statement of the purpose of visit; 2.Intended date of departure.
iii.Attachments: Please refer to Section II: Visa Requirements for a list of essential documents. Only PDF and JPG files are accepted and do not combine all documents into one file.
b) Incomplete submission of documentation of application, which is within the current eligible categories, will be notified to provide supplementary documentation. Visa application passing the preview will be notified by email of how to mail in the hard copy of the application.
c) Application Submission: Mail in the hard copy of the application as instructed.
d) Application Review and Visa Processing: Visa will be granted if the application passing the review. Applicant eligible for a visa but missed to mail in requested documents or needs to provide supplementary documentation will be notified. Relevant documents will be mailed back if the application fails the review and is denied for a visa.
II. Visa Application Requirements

Application of a visa for emergency humanitarian matters (e.g. visiting a direct family member in critical condition or attending a funeral of a direct family member), the ID of the patient or the deceased, a death certificate or a certificate of diagnosis/critical illness notice issued by a hospital, proof of kinship, etc. shall be submitted.
For diplomatic and official visas, please directly contact the Visa Section via email (visaoffice.ny@vip.163.com).
III. Please follow the official website and Wechat public account of the Chinese Consulate General in New York for the latest update of the visa policy.
Consulate General of China in New York
July 1, 2022