当代著名画家李长春作品欣赏[SUP NEWS]中美新闻社《中美新闻社春季画展征稿》欢迎参与 赞助支持,世界文化艺术人才基金会,国际会展联合协调主席团执行组供稿。[百年宏图]——著名艺术家_唐人_人民日报欧洲网-海外版欧洲刊人民日报社_海外华文媒体门户
当代著名画家李长春作品欣赏[SUP NEWS]中美新闻社《中美新闻社春季画展征稿》欢迎参与 赞助支持,世界文化艺术人才基金会,国际会展联合协调主席团执行组供稿。[百年宏图]——著名艺术家_唐人_人民日报欧洲网-海外版欧洲刊人民日报社_海外华文媒体门户

「百年宏图」——著名的唐人人物2021-11-23 09:37来源:综合









丹是千年不落的美中国题,因为丹的文化象已经成为传统的丹青画的行脉,如果画家不能在牡丹画出完整的作品和新的画意,那么牡丹不成,那么牡丹容易产生“画家”所以凡名为中国画师二,在牡丹题上大试身手,牡丹题成为画家功力的试石,一是可以试金画得一的真功功力,是可以试出画家的修养境界。 著名的唐人画家之功入画题深髓,以岁月与创新为翅翼,成为牡丹题高而能翔的大手笔。若论牡丹谁为王者尊,向前画坛看有王小古可可牡丹称丹之王,探而观,当以唐人先生不同凡响的牡丹造诣而续称王者之尊。





牡丹是千百年来一幅美丽的国画,因为牡丹的文化意象已经成为传统美学的主脉,如果画家不能对牡丹画有完整的传承和新的创作,很容易产生怀疑: “画家”的名字是空的。因此,每一个中国画家都会在牡丹上一展身手。牡丹画已成为画家技艺的试金石。一是试一试画家的真实实力,二是试一试画家的修真境界。著名画家唐仁先生深耕牡丹画题材,以传承与创新为翅膀,成为牡丹画的一大波澜。如果这幅牡丹画是荣誉之王,期待王小谷先生能称得上牡丹之王,




Chinese painting is based on freehand brushwork, while oil painting is based on realism. Freehand brushwork is easy to slightly its form of beauty, realism is easy to dilute the intention of beauty, so the simple use of Chinese painting to paint peony, or the simple means of oil painting to paint peony, are both advantages and disadvantages, not the dilemma of both. Can we get through the way of blending Chinese and Western painting culture? This is a major direction of modern art masters, and it is also the subject that Tang Ren has explored for many years. For example, Xu Beihong used realistic techniques to draw horses, which was a realistic exploration based on the anatomical structure of oil painting. Obviously, this exploration was successful, so it also achieved xu Beihong's famous horse king. In the test after the first victory of success, but no triumph, again because of xu beihong try to use painting light and shadow technique to draw the bamboo shade, but significantly dilute the MoZhu image temperament, lost the Chinese bamboo culture of rhyme life grade, so xu beihong accommodating oil painting and Chinese painting techniques of exploration is successful in structural realism, miscalculation in lasting appeal, gains, So far as drawing horses.


Mr Tang, of course, will not let the Chinese and western painting accommodation in "horse painting" resting on a problem, he will, in accordance with their own traditional brushwork of peony knows, again with his mastery of the art of painting, the surface of realism, light and shade modelling technique quietly harmlessly grafting with the creation of peony painting, let the peony shape on two state god put green ecology and regards lasting appeal, The flower head is pleasing to the eye, the flowers and leaves are green, and the artistic tension of the god is beautiful, the form is beautiful, the manner is beautiful, and the rhyme can fill the heart, which has become a successful new example of the integration of Chinese and Western painting techniques in the "peony painting" on the basis of the previous "horse painting".


著名书画评论家 史峰

Heavenly pride and wealth meet bosom friend, peony top grade king zun. If xu Beihong's horse painting is regarded as a successful case base point of Chinese and Western painting techniques, Then Tang Ren's peony painting is the second successful case base point of closely integrating the realism of oil painting with the image style of Chinese painting. In fact, the integration of Chinese and Western painting has opened the linear witness of the era! Therefore, Xu Beihong used the structure realistic technique of oil painting to draw horses, and became the bosom friend of horse painting, named master. Mr. Tang Ren used the light and shade of oil painting to live the historical charm of peony painting, and became the bosom friend of peony painting, which is also the surge of master's talent!



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